This couldn't be happening. We were all crowded in a small kitchen, talking Thomas out of his decision.
"You guys, I just can't do it anymore. I'm not part of Varsity Fanclub. It's not me."
Had he honestly said those words? Thomas, my best friend, was leaving our band?
As I heard the guys argue with Thomas, Drew hugging him and crying, Jayk cussing under his breath, David trying to be logical, I blanked out.
What did this mean for us? Thomas was the only member I was connected with. I'm not going to lie, I like that guy. Call me a fag, diss me, I don't care. Thomas was the only love of my life. He knew how I felt too, and he hadn't done anything about it. He claimed he was bi, but we'd never done anything. And now he was leaving me.
"Bobby... Bobby? Are you alive?" As I came back to reality, I saw that Drew and I were the only ones left in the room. "Uh, Drew, where did Thomas go?"
"He went to his room to pack. I can't believe this is happening, Bittie." Semi-ignoring Drew's last sentence, I mumbled a "yeah, me too" and walked up the stairs to Thomas' bedroom. As I put my hand on the doorknob, I took in a deep breath, then entered Thomas' room. He was in his private bathroom, so I took a seat on his couch.
"Hello, who's in here?" Thomas said through the crack in the bathroom door.
"Hey, uh,T-thomas, it's me.. Me, Bobby." I stuttered, standing up and walking towards his bathroom.
"Hey Bittie, come in!" He said in a semi-happy tone, which sort of pissed me off.
"How can you be happy, Thomas? What the hell is this. You're leaving me." I growled and looked away from him, trying not to show my tear-filled eyes.
"Bobby, look at me." Thomas placed his hand under my chin and turned my head so I was facing him, and I involuntarily sniffled. "Thomas. Don't leave." He shushed me and kissed me softly, which took me by complete surprise. I stared at him, wide-eyed, and bit my lip.
"YOU CAN'T LEAVE!" I said frustrated, and sat on the counter. "What about us... Well, what could have been 'us'. Thomas, I love you. There, I said it. I'm in fucking love with you. And now you're going to leave and go to San Diego, who knows when the hell i'll see you again. You'll fall in love with some beach-babe, and forget about ..." He stopped my rambling by kissing me yet again. His kisses are amazing. It made my heart burn and made me shiver at the same time.
"Hey, Squirt, just because its the end of the band for me doesn't mean its the end of us." He smiled softly at me, taking one of my hands and lacing our fingers.
"What do you mean..." I stared at him, biting my lip softly.
"You know what they say, when one door closes, another one opens." He smirked at me, kissing my deeper than before, placing his free hand on my inner thigh, which was only covered by my boxers.
God, I was getting excited. I felt myself stiffen a little as I kissed him back full on, wrapping one arm around his neck and playing with the tips of his hair.
"Hey, Bobby, want to take a shower with me? I want my last one here to be.. special." He winked at me, locking the door and pulling off his shirt. Damn, Thomas is fit. I jumped off the counter and pulled off my own shirt, then got embarrassed. This was the first guy I had ever been with, technically. I was sort of nervous.
"Need some help?" Thomas reached for my hands, pulling me towards his already naked body, then pulled down my boxers. I felt exposed, but oddly enough, I was comfortable. Having Thomas near me made me feel warm and happy, and him naked, don't even get me started.
As I watched him turn on the shower water, staring at his toned ass, I found myself fighting to hold back. I instantly felt the urge to just, pound myself in him. I walked up to him, wrapping my arms around his back, and started to nibble on the back of his neck. I wasn't exactly sure what I was doing, but his response; a soft moan; turned me on even more. I pushed him forward, into the shower, then closed the shower door.
"Thomas, i've wanted you for so long." I whispered as I kissed the back of his neck softly, pushing my hips against his firm ass. I didn't know what had gotten in me, but I knew I couldn't control myself anymore. I pushed my stiff member into his tight hole, sort of surprising him. His squeal-moan turned me on, though. I just pushed myself in him deeper, groaning as he moaned softly.
"Oh, Bobby, you're soo.. big" He said between moans, and I chuckled, kissing his shoulder, mumbling "You're so hot, mm..." I started to thrust in him deeper, making him get weaker, so he leaned his upper body against the wall of the shower. He seemed so helpless, but so hot, so fucking hot. I held onto his hips for more control, and went as hard as I could. Each one of his moans echoed against the walls, driving me crazy. I wrapped one arm around him and started to rub his thick, hard erection, rubbing his tip slowly. His moans were turning into screams, so I kissed his neck and bit it roughly, mumbling "shut up, they'll hear us." Into his neck. He nodded, tilting his head back, about to fall. Thomas was so vulnerable, and I was finding it SO hot. I held him up with one hand, still thrusting into him, faster now, and rubbed him with my other hand. He was whimpering in enjoyment, trying not to be loud. "Moan my name, Thomas. Mmm, do it." I growled softly in his ear, as I felt myself explode in him, just as he screamed "BOBBY! FUCCK." Even though I had finished, I kept going, thrusting in him, his moans filling the air, then a few moments later, his sperm filling my hand. I stood there, in him, for a few moments, taking it all in. After I pulled out of him, I turned him around, slamming him into the wall, then kissing him deep and hard, my body tight against his. He kissed me back with the same passion, then laughed, pulling me off. "Damn, Bobby. You're fucking fierce." He smirked softly, pulling my lips against his again, and we kissed for a few minutes, until I felt my knees wobble. Now, I was getting weak. I pulled myself away from his luscious lips and stepped out of the shower. He followed me, taking a towel and rubbing himself off, then handing it to me. After we dried and dressed, we went into his room, sitting on his bed. He kissed me softly, then frowned.
"Bobby, I have to finish packing. You know how Jayk is. He want's me out. But hey, want go for a ride with me and look for houses?"
"Thomas, we both know what we'll really be riding."
"I take that as a yes, now go put some clean clothes on and we'll go."
So as I stepped out of his room, and into my own, I quickly got dressed, excited for my "date."
This was going to be the first of many.
its bad, i know. you guys know how fast I did this. i need to shower now. LOOOOOOOOL @ THE IRONY.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
"Aye, Teec, we're gonna be late!"
Dammit, he always held us up. Forget about what we said about Drew, TC was the REAL diva. I walked to the bathroom, knocking on the door. "TC?"
"Uhhh.. i'll be a second, i, uhhh, swear." He said through pants.
Wow, he was jacking off, AGAIN. He always did this. And to be completely honest, the only reason I minded is because he locks the door. I'd love to watch. Okay, don't think im a rapist here. He's just so cute. And he did just turn 18, so it is legal...
I heard him flush the toilet, as if he needed to, then turn on the sink. I knew I could barge in now, so i used my credit card and let myself in.
His pants were still off. Damn, that boy had a nice ass.
"Yo, Keep your pants on!"
He jumped up and saw me in the mirror, then blushed, pulling his boxers and pants on. "The door was locked for a reason."
"I know exactly why it was locked. Now hurry, Drew is there before us. You know how embarrassing that is?"
"Yeah, yeah, im ready. Lets go bro!"
"Guess whos late, late, late, late again" Drew sang/rapped as we entered the dance studio where we were rehearsing at.
"Shut up Drew, you're ALWAYS late."
"But you guys are later than me. If I knew any better i'd think you guys are secretly in love."
"Aha, as if, Drew."
I blushed and walked over to get some water, but I swore I saw TC blush as well. Hmm, maybe its just my mind, but I'm thinking i got a chance with him.
After drinking some water, we practiced Zero.
"I got a question, CAN YOU HELP ME OUT" The song played, and i stopped dancing, watching TC's thrust.
Damn, i'd love to be infront of that.
"Wait a second, I got a question, Why the fuck did David just mess up? He's the best dancer."
*cough*"Second best" *cough* I got out of my daydream when i heard TC say that.
"Excuse me, little one?"
"You know i'm better."
"Wanna bet?"
"DANCE COMPETITION! YIPPIE!" Drew yelled, sitting on the floor.
As TC bumped up some hip hop and started dancing, I almost got hard. He is SUCH a good dancer, Damnnn.
I didn't even bother competing, i tackled him to the ground, sat on him, and punched him playfully in the arm.
"You're still the baby, remember that.
"I hope i'm your baby." I heard him whisper to me.
"Uhm, what?"
"Nothing, now get your big ass off me." He winked and i got off, turning to see the other guys had ditched us.
"Where'd they go?" I asked TC
"They gave us some privacy, lucky us."
"Uhm, am I hearing what i think i'm hearing."
"David, bro, don't think i'm weird, but i find you SO hot."
"Are you serious?"
"Was that too weird?"
"More like a relief, you know how long i've liked you?"
He smiled at me and I smiled back, blushing lightly.
"Teec, lets go somewhere private, yeah?"
"Why?" He said, walking over to the door and locking it. "I like the mirrors in here, I get to see your sexy body more than once. It's sorta a turn on."
"You know whats sorta a turn on?" I said, walking over to him.
"Hmm, what?" He wrapped his arms around my neck, and I pushed him against the mirror.
"You." I whispered before kissing him hard, pushing my body against his.
The great thing about guys, you dont need to go out on pity dates, get roses, all that shit. I mean, its cute, yeah, but we dont NEED it to know we like eachother. All we need is our bodies.
He turned around and pushed me against the mirror, pulling my shirt off, still kissing me hard as can be. Wow was he controlling.
After we undressed, i looked down, appalled at how big he was. I knew I couldn't wait much longer. I was getting so hard.
"Lemme fix that for you." He whispered, pulling away from my lips, kissing down to my neck, then my nipple, then my lower stomach.
I took in a deep breath; this had always been my fantasy. Thomas Carter sucking me off. And now its coming true.
He wrapped his lips around my tip, and started sucking slowly. DAMN, he was good. He swirled his tongue across my slit, making me whimper.
"Mmm, Tc, DEEPER, oh yes, mm.. don't stop. DONT stop."
As he deep throated, i felt my man juices fill his mouth up so much, he choked a little.
But he was a big boy, he swallowed it up, licked me clean then sucked on my tip for a little bit before standing up, smiling at me.
Just as i was going to return the favor, i noticed the door being banged on.
"TC. DAVID. LET US IN!" Jayk seemed mad.
"Oh shit, they're back. I'll return the favor later, okay babe?" I said to TC, kissing him softly before putting on my clothes.
Just as TC pulled his shirt on, Drew pushed open the door.
"How'd you do that?" I asked. No one knew the credit card trick but me.
"Don't ask, what i want to know is why you guys locked the door and ignored our knocks."
"Because, uhm, we don't like you." TC said, still out of breath from earlier.
"Yeah, uh, you jerks left us."
"Not like you minded" Bobby said, eyeing TC then me.
I blushed lightly, then acted as normal as i could.
"What do you mean, bittie?"
"Nothing, nothing at all." He said, still eyeing me.
"OKAY, CAN WE GO BACK TO REHEARSAL? MY THRUSTS ARENT THAT GOOD." TC said, trying to change the subject.
"Oh, they're amazing, trust me." I whispering into his ear before getting to my spot for "Zero."
Before the song started, I saw Bobby shake his head at me and mouth "I know whats going on" to me.
Oh shit.
"Aye, Teec, we're gonna be late!"
Dammit, he always held us up. Forget about what we said about Drew, TC was the REAL diva. I walked to the bathroom, knocking on the door. "TC?"
"Uhhh.. i'll be a second, i, uhhh, swear." He said through pants.
Wow, he was jacking off, AGAIN. He always did this. And to be completely honest, the only reason I minded is because he locks the door. I'd love to watch. Okay, don't think im a rapist here. He's just so cute. And he did just turn 18, so it is legal...
I heard him flush the toilet, as if he needed to, then turn on the sink. I knew I could barge in now, so i used my credit card and let myself in.
His pants were still off. Damn, that boy had a nice ass.
"Yo, Keep your pants on!"
He jumped up and saw me in the mirror, then blushed, pulling his boxers and pants on. "The door was locked for a reason."
"I know exactly why it was locked. Now hurry, Drew is there before us. You know how embarrassing that is?"
"Yeah, yeah, im ready. Lets go bro!"
"Guess whos late, late, late, late again" Drew sang/rapped as we entered the dance studio where we were rehearsing at.
"Shut up Drew, you're ALWAYS late."
"But you guys are later than me. If I knew any better i'd think you guys are secretly in love."
"Aha, as if, Drew."
I blushed and walked over to get some water, but I swore I saw TC blush as well. Hmm, maybe its just my mind, but I'm thinking i got a chance with him.
After drinking some water, we practiced Zero.
"I got a question, CAN YOU HELP ME OUT" The song played, and i stopped dancing, watching TC's thrust.
Damn, i'd love to be infront of that.
"Wait a second, I got a question, Why the fuck did David just mess up? He's the best dancer."
*cough*"Second best" *cough* I got out of my daydream when i heard TC say that.
"Excuse me, little one?"
"You know i'm better."
"Wanna bet?"
"DANCE COMPETITION! YIPPIE!" Drew yelled, sitting on the floor.
As TC bumped up some hip hop and started dancing, I almost got hard. He is SUCH a good dancer, Damnnn.
I didn't even bother competing, i tackled him to the ground, sat on him, and punched him playfully in the arm.
"You're still the baby, remember that.
"I hope i'm your baby." I heard him whisper to me.
"Uhm, what?"
"Nothing, now get your big ass off me." He winked and i got off, turning to see the other guys had ditched us.
"Where'd they go?" I asked TC
"They gave us some privacy, lucky us."
"Uhm, am I hearing what i think i'm hearing."
"David, bro, don't think i'm weird, but i find you SO hot."
"Are you serious?"
"Was that too weird?"
"More like a relief, you know how long i've liked you?"
He smiled at me and I smiled back, blushing lightly.
"Teec, lets go somewhere private, yeah?"
"Why?" He said, walking over to the door and locking it. "I like the mirrors in here, I get to see your sexy body more than once. It's sorta a turn on."
"You know whats sorta a turn on?" I said, walking over to him.
"Hmm, what?" He wrapped his arms around my neck, and I pushed him against the mirror.
"You." I whispered before kissing him hard, pushing my body against his.
The great thing about guys, you dont need to go out on pity dates, get roses, all that shit. I mean, its cute, yeah, but we dont NEED it to know we like eachother. All we need is our bodies.
He turned around and pushed me against the mirror, pulling my shirt off, still kissing me hard as can be. Wow was he controlling.
After we undressed, i looked down, appalled at how big he was. I knew I couldn't wait much longer. I was getting so hard.
"Lemme fix that for you." He whispered, pulling away from my lips, kissing down to my neck, then my nipple, then my lower stomach.
I took in a deep breath; this had always been my fantasy. Thomas Carter sucking me off. And now its coming true.
He wrapped his lips around my tip, and started sucking slowly. DAMN, he was good. He swirled his tongue across my slit, making me whimper.
"Mmm, Tc, DEEPER, oh yes, mm.. don't stop. DONT stop."
As he deep throated, i felt my man juices fill his mouth up so much, he choked a little.
But he was a big boy, he swallowed it up, licked me clean then sucked on my tip for a little bit before standing up, smiling at me.
Just as i was going to return the favor, i noticed the door being banged on.
"TC. DAVID. LET US IN!" Jayk seemed mad.
"Oh shit, they're back. I'll return the favor later, okay babe?" I said to TC, kissing him softly before putting on my clothes.
Just as TC pulled his shirt on, Drew pushed open the door.
"How'd you do that?" I asked. No one knew the credit card trick but me.
"Don't ask, what i want to know is why you guys locked the door and ignored our knocks."
"Because, uhm, we don't like you." TC said, still out of breath from earlier.
"Yeah, uh, you jerks left us."
"Not like you minded" Bobby said, eyeing TC then me.
I blushed lightly, then acted as normal as i could.
"What do you mean, bittie?"
"Nothing, nothing at all." He said, still eyeing me.
"OKAY, CAN WE GO BACK TO REHEARSAL? MY THRUSTS ARENT THAT GOOD." TC said, trying to change the subject.
"Oh, they're amazing, trust me." I whispering into his ear before getting to my spot for "Zero."
Before the song started, I saw Bobby shake his head at me and mouth "I know whats going on" to me.
Oh shit.
"How many bitches can do it like me?" Jayk belted out the 'lyrics' to his bands #1 hit song, Zero. The other members of the band groaned, mumbling words along the lines of "shut up" and "you're being obnoxious" for the hundredth time. Jayk pouted, murmuring, "You guys are no fun." "Whatever Jayk. How 'bout you stop singing your girly voice off, and make us something to eat?" TC yelled from the living room.
"How about you stop being a little kid and get the older people some food? Make it yourself; and make us some stuff too. It's called respect bro!" David interrupted while munching on a bag of lays. Meanwhile, Jayk was grabbing Oreo's out of the cupboard as TC sat there on the couch, his stomach rumbling loudly. "Breakfast!" Jayk cheered, stuffing three Oreo's into his mouth almost instantly. Soon after, he opened the fridge and drank out of the milk carton. "Dude! Have some manners!" Bobby told, almost disgusted with Jayk's bad manners. "That’s a lot coming from you," Jayk mumbled sarcastically. Bobby glared at him before stealing some Oreo's for himself..
"WHAT THE FUCK MAN! I DON'T WANT YOUR HERPES!" TC shouted, after realizing Jayk's actions with the milk carton. "Dude, it's not like I fucked the carton," Jayk retorted, drinking the milk again. "Just forget about it bro. You can buy another carton," David told, nonchalantly as he walked towards the love seat. He sat next to Jewell. She was fast asleep, but David didn't mind it. He just picked her up, sat down, then placed her in his lap. Unconsciously, he played with her hair as TC and Bobby joined him in the living room.
Soon enough, Jayk had finished the carton of milk and was walking around, unsure of what he would do. He walked into the living room only to see, Jewell fully awake, arguing with David about who would win ABDC as David stroked her hair. TC was with DeAnna, cuddling as they watched SpongeBob while Bobby and Demitrya were talking on the other couch. Jayk quickly left the room, muttering, "I hate being single." He began to wander around the house, and soon enough, he found himself in front of Drew's room.
He knocked on the door, but got no response. He tried again, and still, he couldn't hear anything. Not caring, he entered Drew's room, and sat on the edge of Drew's bed. "Hey Drew, are you awake?" Jayk asked softly. Drew didn't respond; and Jayk, almost desperate for company, began to shake Drew's leg. "Stop shaking me! I'm awake now! Just with the earthquakes." Drew mumbled, throwing a pillow onto his face; trying to go back to sleep. "NO! DON'T SLEEP! I NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE!" Jayk said, shaking Drew's leg harder.
Drew groaned, before sitting up. "What is it Jayk?" he asked tiredly, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. Jayk stayed silent, looking at Drew's eyes. Drew raised an eyebrow before saying, "Jayk, what'd you want to talk about. You did not just wake me up for nothing," Drew stated, almost scowling. "I was just lonely… I wanted someone to talk about. It feels really weird being single, while David, TC, and Bobby have girlfriends, ya know?" Jayk replied, almost ashamed at even saying that as he looked away.
Drew grabbed Jayk's chin, and whispered, "You don't have to be ashamed. We all get lonely. That happens to me all the time." Jayk, almost lost, didn't notice Drew move closer until he felt a pair of lips on his very own. His eyes widen as he realized Drew was kissing him. He gasped as Drew moved closer to him; giving Drew a chance to deepen this kiss. Something that Drew did as he stuck his own tongue into Jayk's mouth. It was something entirely new to Jayk, but Jayk couldn't help but admit that he had liked it. He was enjoying the kiss, and he couldn't deny it. So he didn't try to; he just participated in it. Jayk had begun to make out with Drew.
However, Drew's flamboyant nature wasn't going to leave it at that. No, Drew, unable to contain himself, straddled Jayk's hips as he tried to take control of the kiss. Jayk, not one for losing, took Drew's challenge, began to dominate Drew. A moan escaped Drew's lips as Jayk took complete control as he threw Drew onto the bed. Jayk climbed on top of him, pinning Drew's arms above his head before slamming his lips onto Drew's own pair. Nibbling on his bottom lip, Drew granted Jayk access into his own mouth again, groaning in frustration. A few minutes later, when they were out of breathe, Drew murmured against Jayk's lips, "Mm, fiesty, aren't you?"
Jayk grinned before kissing Drew in order to silence him. He began to leave a trail of kisses from Drew's mouth down to his neck, trying to find a spot that would make Drew go off. A couple seconds later, and a loud moan escaped Drew. Jayk had found Drew's weak spot. Softly, he nibbled at Drew's neck, earning loud moans.
"Jayk," Drew moaned, panting loudly. Jayk looked at him, his eyes shining with mischief. "Stop teasing," he groaned, wanting more then what Jayk was giving him. Jayk complied, as he ripped off Drew's shirt. His eyes trailed down Drew's body, as he continued to hold a struggling Drew.
Jayk began leaving small hickies on Drew's neck until he reached one of Drew's harden nipples. He began to lick, and suck, earning loud whines from Drew's lips. Jayk silenced Drew by kissing him again, before Jayk suddenly grabbed one of Drew's belts. That earned him a questioning look until Jayk strapped Drew's hands onto the bed. "That’s not fair Jayk!" Drew whined, trying to free himself. "Did I ever say I play fair?" Jayk whispered in Drew's ear, nibbling on it gently.
Jayk's hands wandered towards Drew's nipples as he played with them. Drew couldn't hold his moans in as he arched his back in want. His mouth soon replaced one his hands. After a few minutes, he slowly made his way down towards Drew's boxers (the only thing keeping Drew away from himself) leaving a trail of kisses down Drew's abdominal. He could easily see Drew's want, but ignored it as he pulled himself up so he could kiss Drew once again. Jayk pressed his own hips into Drew, earning a groan as Drew struggled to free himself from the restraints Jayk had placed on him earlier. He couldn't control his need, and it was driving him crazy. "Jayk! I need you right now!" Drew told, ready to beg Jayk to take him if he wasn't going to anytime soon.
Unable to resist the Drew's needs, but too dominate to give in so soon, Jayk slowly took off Drew's boxers. Drew cried out Jayk's name in want as his throbbing member hit cold air. Grinning, Jayk licked Drew's member from the bottom up, until he reached the head, where he gave a playful lick. "Stop fucking teasing Jayk!" Drew mewled as his desire for Jayk increased with every second.
"What do you want me to do then?" Jayk asked playfully. "I want you to fuck me! What the hell do you think I want you to do?" Drew growled, his erection becoming almost painful for him.
Not being one to let down the crowd, Jayk easily took off his boxers and entered Drew without a second spot. He swallowed Drew's scream so they wouldn't alert the others on their current actions. Breaking away a few minutes later, Jayk groaned, "god you're so tight."
"You're not exactly small either," Drew hissed, partially in pain, and the rest in pleasure. They didn't talk after that, as Drew shifted, allowing Jayk to know he was ready. Within seconds, Jayk was pulling out of Drew before he slammed back in. Drew began to moan louder and louder as Jayk continued to do so, picking up speed with each thrust.
He had never done anything like this, but it felt so good, that he couldn't help but moan with Drew. Picking up speed, their moans got louder. As they were beginning to near their climax, he grabbed Drew's erection and began to run his hand up and down Drew's shaft. Drew's moans were beginning to turn into screams, so Jayk slammed his lips back onto Drew's own pair as he continued with his ministrations towards Drew's erection. He began to pick up even more speed, as his thumb rubbed Drew's slit. Both of them were in pure ecstasy.
They were nearing their climax as Jayk began to pound into Drew, harder and faster. His hand was moving along Drew's shaft just as fast as he was going in and out of Drew. Drew, unable to contain himself, cummed, his semen covering Jayk's abdominal. However, that didn't stop Jayk from continually pounding into Drew harder and harder. It just seemed to motivate him if anything as he himself neared his own climax. Then before he knew it, he climaxed, filling Drew up, trying his hardest not to scream Drew's name himself. He stayed there, trying to catch his breath as Drew tried as well. Both threw each other a tired smile before Jayk pulled out of Drew slowly. A straggled moan escaped Drew's lips as Jayk removed himself from Drew. He unhooked Drew from his restraints before getting off Drew's bed.
"We should probably take a shower huh?" Jayk suggested. Drew nodded his head tiredly as he got up. Black and purple marks covered Drew's wrists as the boys tried to make themselves normal. "I'll go back to my room and take a shower, you on the other hand need to take a shower and burn those sheets," Jayk told as he put on his boxers. Drew nodded before saying, "Why'd you have to rip off my shirt Jayk?" His response was a mere shrug, before he softly kissed Drew. Drew quickly responded by wrapping his arms around Jayk's neck and kissing back. The kiss got a little headed before Jayk broke away.
"We should do this again sometime, but next time it'll be in your bed, and I won't be tied up," Drew suggested, a smirk on his face.
Jayk gave Drew his own smirk, before replying, "We'll see about that Drew." "Yes we will," Drew whispered huskily as he pressed himself against Jayk. He was beginning to get horny again. Jayk placed his own lips against Drew's again, dominating him. Drew moaned against him, rubbing his hips into Jayk's. He wanted Jayk to fuck him again.
i"Do you want me to fuck you again?" Jayk whispered in Drew's ear, nibbling on it softly as he stroked Drew's shaft. Drew nodded his head, his member coming back to life. Jayk pulled away, grinning, "Too bad. We can do this some other time Drew. We have stuff to do, remember?" Drew groaned, before nodding sadly. "Don't worry, we will definitely continue this later," Jayk told, kissing Drew one last time before leaving Drew's room. Drew, despite his disappointment, grinned at Jayk's last words before he headed towards his own bathroom, ready to clean himself of his sweat and other bodily fluids. Jayk, who was also headed towards his own room to clean himself grinned in excitement. He couldn't wait for next time.
"How about you stop being a little kid and get the older people some food? Make it yourself; and make us some stuff too. It's called respect bro!" David interrupted while munching on a bag of lays. Meanwhile, Jayk was grabbing Oreo's out of the cupboard as TC sat there on the couch, his stomach rumbling loudly. "Breakfast!" Jayk cheered, stuffing three Oreo's into his mouth almost instantly. Soon after, he opened the fridge and drank out of the milk carton. "Dude! Have some manners!" Bobby told, almost disgusted with Jayk's bad manners. "That’s a lot coming from you," Jayk mumbled sarcastically. Bobby glared at him before stealing some Oreo's for himself..
"WHAT THE FUCK MAN! I DON'T WANT YOUR HERPES!" TC shouted, after realizing Jayk's actions with the milk carton. "Dude, it's not like I fucked the carton," Jayk retorted, drinking the milk again. "Just forget about it bro. You can buy another carton," David told, nonchalantly as he walked towards the love seat. He sat next to Jewell. She was fast asleep, but David didn't mind it. He just picked her up, sat down, then placed her in his lap. Unconsciously, he played with her hair as TC and Bobby joined him in the living room.
Soon enough, Jayk had finished the carton of milk and was walking around, unsure of what he would do. He walked into the living room only to see, Jewell fully awake, arguing with David about who would win ABDC as David stroked her hair. TC was with DeAnna, cuddling as they watched SpongeBob while Bobby and Demitrya were talking on the other couch. Jayk quickly left the room, muttering, "I hate being single." He began to wander around the house, and soon enough, he found himself in front of Drew's room.
He knocked on the door, but got no response. He tried again, and still, he couldn't hear anything. Not caring, he entered Drew's room, and sat on the edge of Drew's bed. "Hey Drew, are you awake?" Jayk asked softly. Drew didn't respond; and Jayk, almost desperate for company, began to shake Drew's leg. "Stop shaking me! I'm awake now! Just with the earthquakes." Drew mumbled, throwing a pillow onto his face; trying to go back to sleep. "NO! DON'T SLEEP! I NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE!" Jayk said, shaking Drew's leg harder.
Drew groaned, before sitting up. "What is it Jayk?" he asked tiredly, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. Jayk stayed silent, looking at Drew's eyes. Drew raised an eyebrow before saying, "Jayk, what'd you want to talk about. You did not just wake me up for nothing," Drew stated, almost scowling. "I was just lonely… I wanted someone to talk about. It feels really weird being single, while David, TC, and Bobby have girlfriends, ya know?" Jayk replied, almost ashamed at even saying that as he looked away.
Drew grabbed Jayk's chin, and whispered, "You don't have to be ashamed. We all get lonely. That happens to me all the time." Jayk, almost lost, didn't notice Drew move closer until he felt a pair of lips on his very own. His eyes widen as he realized Drew was kissing him. He gasped as Drew moved closer to him; giving Drew a chance to deepen this kiss. Something that Drew did as he stuck his own tongue into Jayk's mouth. It was something entirely new to Jayk, but Jayk couldn't help but admit that he had liked it. He was enjoying the kiss, and he couldn't deny it. So he didn't try to; he just participated in it. Jayk had begun to make out with Drew.
However, Drew's flamboyant nature wasn't going to leave it at that. No, Drew, unable to contain himself, straddled Jayk's hips as he tried to take control of the kiss. Jayk, not one for losing, took Drew's challenge, began to dominate Drew. A moan escaped Drew's lips as Jayk took complete control as he threw Drew onto the bed. Jayk climbed on top of him, pinning Drew's arms above his head before slamming his lips onto Drew's own pair. Nibbling on his bottom lip, Drew granted Jayk access into his own mouth again, groaning in frustration. A few minutes later, when they were out of breathe, Drew murmured against Jayk's lips, "Mm, fiesty, aren't you?"
Jayk grinned before kissing Drew in order to silence him. He began to leave a trail of kisses from Drew's mouth down to his neck, trying to find a spot that would make Drew go off. A couple seconds later, and a loud moan escaped Drew. Jayk had found Drew's weak spot. Softly, he nibbled at Drew's neck, earning loud moans.
"Jayk," Drew moaned, panting loudly. Jayk looked at him, his eyes shining with mischief. "Stop teasing," he groaned, wanting more then what Jayk was giving him. Jayk complied, as he ripped off Drew's shirt. His eyes trailed down Drew's body, as he continued to hold a struggling Drew.
Jayk began leaving small hickies on Drew's neck until he reached one of Drew's harden nipples. He began to lick, and suck, earning loud whines from Drew's lips. Jayk silenced Drew by kissing him again, before Jayk suddenly grabbed one of Drew's belts. That earned him a questioning look until Jayk strapped Drew's hands onto the bed. "That’s not fair Jayk!" Drew whined, trying to free himself. "Did I ever say I play fair?" Jayk whispered in Drew's ear, nibbling on it gently.
Jayk's hands wandered towards Drew's nipples as he played with them. Drew couldn't hold his moans in as he arched his back in want. His mouth soon replaced one his hands. After a few minutes, he slowly made his way down towards Drew's boxers (the only thing keeping Drew away from himself) leaving a trail of kisses down Drew's abdominal. He could easily see Drew's want, but ignored it as he pulled himself up so he could kiss Drew once again. Jayk pressed his own hips into Drew, earning a groan as Drew struggled to free himself from the restraints Jayk had placed on him earlier. He couldn't control his need, and it was driving him crazy. "Jayk! I need you right now!" Drew told, ready to beg Jayk to take him if he wasn't going to anytime soon.
Unable to resist the Drew's needs, but too dominate to give in so soon, Jayk slowly took off Drew's boxers. Drew cried out Jayk's name in want as his throbbing member hit cold air. Grinning, Jayk licked Drew's member from the bottom up, until he reached the head, where he gave a playful lick. "Stop fucking teasing Jayk!" Drew mewled as his desire for Jayk increased with every second.
"What do you want me to do then?" Jayk asked playfully. "I want you to fuck me! What the hell do you think I want you to do?" Drew growled, his erection becoming almost painful for him.
Not being one to let down the crowd, Jayk easily took off his boxers and entered Drew without a second spot. He swallowed Drew's scream so they wouldn't alert the others on their current actions. Breaking away a few minutes later, Jayk groaned, "god you're so tight."
"You're not exactly small either," Drew hissed, partially in pain, and the rest in pleasure. They didn't talk after that, as Drew shifted, allowing Jayk to know he was ready. Within seconds, Jayk was pulling out of Drew before he slammed back in. Drew began to moan louder and louder as Jayk continued to do so, picking up speed with each thrust.
He had never done anything like this, but it felt so good, that he couldn't help but moan with Drew. Picking up speed, their moans got louder. As they were beginning to near their climax, he grabbed Drew's erection and began to run his hand up and down Drew's shaft. Drew's moans were beginning to turn into screams, so Jayk slammed his lips back onto Drew's own pair as he continued with his ministrations towards Drew's erection. He began to pick up even more speed, as his thumb rubbed Drew's slit. Both of them were in pure ecstasy.
They were nearing their climax as Jayk began to pound into Drew, harder and faster. His hand was moving along Drew's shaft just as fast as he was going in and out of Drew. Drew, unable to contain himself, cummed, his semen covering Jayk's abdominal. However, that didn't stop Jayk from continually pounding into Drew harder and harder. It just seemed to motivate him if anything as he himself neared his own climax. Then before he knew it, he climaxed, filling Drew up, trying his hardest not to scream Drew's name himself. He stayed there, trying to catch his breath as Drew tried as well. Both threw each other a tired smile before Jayk pulled out of Drew slowly. A straggled moan escaped Drew's lips as Jayk removed himself from Drew. He unhooked Drew from his restraints before getting off Drew's bed.
"We should probably take a shower huh?" Jayk suggested. Drew nodded his head tiredly as he got up. Black and purple marks covered Drew's wrists as the boys tried to make themselves normal. "I'll go back to my room and take a shower, you on the other hand need to take a shower and burn those sheets," Jayk told as he put on his boxers. Drew nodded before saying, "Why'd you have to rip off my shirt Jayk?" His response was a mere shrug, before he softly kissed Drew. Drew quickly responded by wrapping his arms around Jayk's neck and kissing back. The kiss got a little headed before Jayk broke away.
"We should do this again sometime, but next time it'll be in your bed, and I won't be tied up," Drew suggested, a smirk on his face.
Jayk gave Drew his own smirk, before replying, "We'll see about that Drew." "Yes we will," Drew whispered huskily as he pressed himself against Jayk. He was beginning to get horny again. Jayk placed his own lips against Drew's again, dominating him. Drew moaned against him, rubbing his hips into Jayk's. He wanted Jayk to fuck him again.
i"Do you want me to fuck you again?" Jayk whispered in Drew's ear, nibbling on it softly as he stroked Drew's shaft. Drew nodded his head, his member coming back to life. Jayk pulled away, grinning, "Too bad. We can do this some other time Drew. We have stuff to do, remember?" Drew groaned, before nodding sadly. "Don't worry, we will definitely continue this later," Jayk told, kissing Drew one last time before leaving Drew's room. Drew, despite his disappointment, grinned at Jayk's last words before he headed towards his own bathroom, ready to clean himself of his sweat and other bodily fluids. Jayk, who was also headed towards his own room to clean himself grinned in excitement. He couldn't wait for next time.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
November 12th.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
OH GOLLY. Jeno's Post 9/26
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I haven't posted in 11 days.
It's jeno
and i'd like to tell you whats going on.
VFCBUTTS now is making a myspace!
here's a teaser.

So, tinypics in German.
How nice
SO yeah. we're moving over to myspace.
I'm just wondering
Do you want to me to keep this site too?
Or just use myspace.
If i keep this site, it wont be used as much, Just saying.
-_- poor girl
I haven't posted in 11 days.
It's jeno
and i'd like to tell you whats going on.
VFCBUTTS now is making a myspace!
here's a teaser.
So, tinypics in German.
How nice
SO yeah. we're moving over to myspace.
I'm just wondering
Do you want to me to keep this site too?
Or just use myspace.
If i keep this site, it wont be used as much, Just saying.
-_- poor girl
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Jeno's Post 8/30

I have to say this.
This is probably the best summer
I met so many vfc fans cyberly and in person,
i got to see the boys 5 times
and this site is so much fun for me.
I made it so you can comment on the posts now
so i'm thinking
5 comments= new post?
or maybe 10 comments?
idk, lets try this out.
First: Me
Second: Jill
idk if i've already posted these
dnt pick on me if i have, cuz im still waiting on The Groves pics.
i just noticed
golly g, jenos a freak
agree w/ me?
Friday, August 28, 2009
okay, so Jeno here.
Lemme tell you,
i have SO many vfc butt pics from the grove
trust me, SO many.
But issue: not on my camara.
So i have to wait for my friend to send em
And she left her camara in my cuzins car.
So i gotta wait.
It's worth the wait.
Just please be patient.
And patricia says she loves David's ass.
Patricia: Uhmmm.....I didn't say that, but okay :D!
I'm coming home tomorrow (according to Swiss time)
okay, so Jeno here.
Lemme tell you,
i have SO many vfc butt pics from the grove
trust me, SO many.
But issue: not on my camara.
So i have to wait for my friend to send em
And she left her camara in my cuzins car.
So i gotta wait.
It's worth the wait.
Just please be patient.
And patricia says she loves David's ass.
Patricia: Uhmmm.....I didn't say that, but okay :D!
I'm coming home tomorrow (according to Swiss time)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Patricia's Post: 8/24
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Jeno's Post 8/19
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
EVERYONE & Jeno's Post 8/18
I'm thinking Knott's Scaryfarm.
Let's meet up!
Myspace me.
sorry i havent been posting.
my dad had surgery yesterday, and i'm stressing over school starting soon and i have concerts im planning to go to and blegh :P.
But since you all have been patienttt.
here you go.

Drew's BEAUTIFUL pictures: Jeno :]
Group: One of their youtube videos.
Let's meet up!
Myspace me.
sorry i havent been posting.
my dad had surgery yesterday, and i'm stressing over school starting soon and i have concerts im planning to go to and blegh :P.
But since you all have been patienttt.
here you go.

Drew's BEAUTIFUL pictures: Jeno :]
Group: One of their youtube videos.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
We should have a VFC fan meet-up at Disneyland. I've got that on my notepad [: let's make this happen people!
Random note: I'm going to Paris in 3 days. I'm going David look-a-like hunting :D
ASDFGHJKL:@!#$%^&*() Wait, is David French? Brandt sounds French....
French people are rude -_- I thought it was just a stereotype...Bahah, nonono. This shit's real, sadly.
Random note: I'm going to Paris in 3 days. I'm going David look-a-like hunting :D
ASDFGHJKL:@!#$%^&*() Wait, is David French? Brandt sounds French....
French people are rude -_- I thought it was just a stereotype...Bahah, nonono. This shit's real, sadly.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Patricia's post: 8/14 (Swiss time)
Okay, so while I'm stuck a sea away, Jeno's having the time of her life bragging about Drew's bootydance and whatnot.
Tell her to shut up =D
I know this seems random, but don't you guys think that all the other states have more VFC fans than California? Whatta shame. We're caught up in the Lil Wayne crap. Nonononono.
Tell her to shut up =D
I know this seems random, but don't you guys think that all the other states have more VFC fans than California? Whatta shame. We're caught up in the Lil Wayne crap. Nonononono.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Jeno's Post 8/13
So yesterday, i saw the boys again. :)
And just so you know, Drew has seen this website, more than once, he says.
And he's read the fanfic, which embarrassed me A LOT.
But yesterday, I got a lot of booty action from Drew.
I was stuck behind him for a while cuz of the crowd, and he grinded on me and said "how you like that booty dance!" and i humped him jokingly and he pushed back against me.
It was very enjoyable.
VERY, VERY, enjoyable.
So obviously, i got new pictures.

Drew moved for one of the butt pics, but it was still sexy.
Sorry, T.C's butt wasnt showing, Jayk was crowded, and David came late, or else i would have more booty pictures.
BUT i got a video of David's, Drew's, and Jayk's butt.
i'll post it later. :)
So yesterday, i saw the boys again. :)
And just so you know, Drew has seen this website, more than once, he says.
And he's read the fanfic, which embarrassed me A LOT.
But yesterday, I got a lot of booty action from Drew.
I was stuck behind him for a while cuz of the crowd, and he grinded on me and said "how you like that booty dance!" and i humped him jokingly and he pushed back against me.
It was very enjoyable.
VERY, VERY, enjoyable.
So obviously, i got new pictures.
Drew moved for one of the butt pics, but it was still sexy.
Sorry, T.C's butt wasnt showing, Jayk was crowded, and David came late, or else i would have more booty pictures.
BUT i got a video of David's, Drew's, and Jayk's butt.
i'll post it later. :)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Patricia's Post: 8/12
Greetings from Switzerland[:
Okay, so I got Jeno to write that fanfic because she told me she can go nuts with horny stories, so yeah. Curiosity killed the cat ;P
Okay, so I got Jeno to write that fanfic because she told me she can go nuts with horny stories, so yeah. Curiosity killed the cat ;P
Monday, August 10, 2009
i wrote this for patricia only, so dont expect perfection
it is perverted
so be careful
"DREW!" I yelled into the phone, "You're late. AGAIN." I was starting to get annoyed.
"I know, i know! Im sorry, give me 3 more mintues!" He sounded like he was really sorry, so i let it pass. "I'm counting.." I said, then hung up.
I went back to Patricia, David, Cali, and Jayk, who were hanging at the back of Jayk's car, waiting for Drew to arrive. "He said 3 minutes, i'm being nice and giving him 5."
"You need to punish this boy, Jeno" Cali said. She didn't know what i already had planned.
10 minutes later
I saw him, and i forgot how mad i was at him for making us wait. It was Drew, and i couldn't be mad at that cute, blonde haired, green eyed boy. I ran up to him and hugged him as tight as i could. "DREW!" "Hey baby, sorry for making you wait." He said before he kissed me, then did that crooked smile he knows I love.
"Hey, you lovebird, can we hurry before the tide stops? I wanna catch some mad waves!" Jayk came over to us, holding Cali's hand, and slapped Drews back.
"Yeah, yeah, lets go. " I smiled, taking Drew by the hand, and saw that Patricia and David had dissapeared. "Uhm, where are the other two love birds?"
"Whatever you do, don't open the car's back door. Did it, not a pretty site." Cali laughed, walking towards the ocean.
"They can't wait till we're home, they never do." I said, running down the sand to the water.
"At least they do it privately." Jayk said, and I ignored him, putting down my towel and pulling off my sundress, then watched Drew undress.
1 hour later:
"Didja see the way those waves were? Damn, I haven't surfed like that in forever!" Jayk was hyped up, drying off his hair and talking like surfing is better than, i dont know, hats. "Baby, obviously they didn't see. Did you see Jeno and Drew. Damn, the ocean is for swimming, not for sucking face." Cali said, taking the towel from Jayk and drying herself off as well.
"ITS NOT MY FAULT!" I said, turning red, "Drew couldn't get off me!"
"You say it like you dont like it, baby." Drew said, frowning at me.
"Ugh, you know I do. Now lets go find the horny freaks, i bet they're still in the car."
*Knock Knock Knock*
"OPENN UPP!" Cali said, knocking at the steam covered window.
"Uhm, hi guys. How was the ocean?" David said, pulling on a shirt, trying to play it cool.
"It was freezing cold, but i bet you guys were warm, huh?" Drew said as he drew a smiley face in the steam on the window.
"Whatever Drew, don't act like you and Jeno don't do this." Patricia said, tying her hair up to make it look less..sexual.
"Let's just go back to the hotel, huh?" Jayk said, getting in the drivers seat.
After Drew whispered something in my ear, i looked at everyone. "I'm gonna go with Drew, i'll meet up with you guys later?"
"I KNEW IT!" Patricia said, laughing.
"Okay, byee!" I ran over to Drews car, smiling at him as he walked over, and started kissing me.
"Mmm, Drew, wait till they leave.."
"Sorry, I just cant keep my hands off you. "
He kept kissing me, moving to my neck as everyone else drove by, honking at us. "HORNY FREAKS!" I heard Cali yell, but i politely flipped her the bird, then leaned against the side of Drews car, pulling his lips back up to mine. "You know how they act when i get hickeys, baby. Keep your lips against mine. "
"No problem. " He kissed me rough, trailing his hands down my sides, giving me goosebumps. I wrapped my arms around his neck, messing up his damp hair. As he started to pull my dress off, i pushed him back a little, smiling. "Should we get in the car, at least?"
"Baby, its not like anyones here, they're all at the ocean, and i dont want to let go of you." Drew said, throwing my dress over my head into his convertible.
"Fine, but if anyone comes, we hide."
"You got it!" He smiled again, kissing me harder than before, undoing my bathing suit, then placing his hands on my hips, letting the top of my bathing suit fall to the ground. I ran my fingers down his bare back, pulling on the hem of his shorts, as his hands undid the strings on his shorts, so they fell off as well. "Mm, Drew, i should punish you for being late and not let you do anything.. you know that right?" I said when his lips finally parted from mine.
"You wouldn't do that, you want me just as much as i want you." He said, turning over so he was against the side of the car.
"You know me too well, baby." I smirked, kissing his lips one more time, biting on his bottom lip and pulling it a little before letting it go, then kissing down his chest to his lower stomach, leaving kisses there.
"MM, dont tease" He moaned under his breath, playing with my hair.
So, I got straight to it, not wasting any time. "Jeno, mm, DEEPER. oh, oh, yes, i cant hold back. mm"
I swallowed his man juices, smiling up at him as i stood back up.
He started kissing me again, so hard i thought he was eating my face off. I finally got his hungry lips off mine then looked at him. "Get in me already!" I said, smiling before kissing him again, feeling his hard self enter me.
He was so rough, it was like i hadnt been with him in forever. "Oh, DREW! Mmm, harder. please. OH yes,, like that.." It felt so good, i didnt want it to end. But it did, as i felt his man juices in me again, i moaned once again with him, louder then usual.
"Oh, Drew, i love you. So much."
"I love you too, Jeno. " He said, kissing me softly, pulling himself out.
We dressed up, got in the car, and started driving to the hotel, but obviously, he was still hard. So i helped him out as he drove, and moaned, of course.
Hopefully he keeps his eyes on the road this time.
it is perverted
so be careful
"DREW!" I yelled into the phone, "You're late. AGAIN." I was starting to get annoyed.
"I know, i know! Im sorry, give me 3 more mintues!" He sounded like he was really sorry, so i let it pass. "I'm counting.." I said, then hung up.
I went back to Patricia, David, Cali, and Jayk, who were hanging at the back of Jayk's car, waiting for Drew to arrive. "He said 3 minutes, i'm being nice and giving him 5."
"You need to punish this boy, Jeno" Cali said. She didn't know what i already had planned.
10 minutes later
I saw him, and i forgot how mad i was at him for making us wait. It was Drew, and i couldn't be mad at that cute, blonde haired, green eyed boy. I ran up to him and hugged him as tight as i could. "DREW!" "Hey baby, sorry for making you wait." He said before he kissed me, then did that crooked smile he knows I love.
"Hey, you lovebird, can we hurry before the tide stops? I wanna catch some mad waves!" Jayk came over to us, holding Cali's hand, and slapped Drews back.
"Yeah, yeah, lets go. " I smiled, taking Drew by the hand, and saw that Patricia and David had dissapeared. "Uhm, where are the other two love birds?"
"Whatever you do, don't open the car's back door. Did it, not a pretty site." Cali laughed, walking towards the ocean.
"They can't wait till we're home, they never do." I said, running down the sand to the water.
"At least they do it privately." Jayk said, and I ignored him, putting down my towel and pulling off my sundress, then watched Drew undress.
1 hour later:
"Didja see the way those waves were? Damn, I haven't surfed like that in forever!" Jayk was hyped up, drying off his hair and talking like surfing is better than, i dont know, hats. "Baby, obviously they didn't see. Did you see Jeno and Drew. Damn, the ocean is for swimming, not for sucking face." Cali said, taking the towel from Jayk and drying herself off as well.
"ITS NOT MY FAULT!" I said, turning red, "Drew couldn't get off me!"
"You say it like you dont like it, baby." Drew said, frowning at me.
"Ugh, you know I do. Now lets go find the horny freaks, i bet they're still in the car."
*Knock Knock Knock*
"OPENN UPP!" Cali said, knocking at the steam covered window.
"Uhm, hi guys. How was the ocean?" David said, pulling on a shirt, trying to play it cool.
"It was freezing cold, but i bet you guys were warm, huh?" Drew said as he drew a smiley face in the steam on the window.
"Whatever Drew, don't act like you and Jeno don't do this." Patricia said, tying her hair up to make it look less..sexual.
"Let's just go back to the hotel, huh?" Jayk said, getting in the drivers seat.
After Drew whispered something in my ear, i looked at everyone. "I'm gonna go with Drew, i'll meet up with you guys later?"
"I KNEW IT!" Patricia said, laughing.
"Okay, byee!" I ran over to Drews car, smiling at him as he walked over, and started kissing me.
"Mmm, Drew, wait till they leave.."
"Sorry, I just cant keep my hands off you. "
He kept kissing me, moving to my neck as everyone else drove by, honking at us. "HORNY FREAKS!" I heard Cali yell, but i politely flipped her the bird, then leaned against the side of Drews car, pulling his lips back up to mine. "You know how they act when i get hickeys, baby. Keep your lips against mine. "
"No problem. " He kissed me rough, trailing his hands down my sides, giving me goosebumps. I wrapped my arms around his neck, messing up his damp hair. As he started to pull my dress off, i pushed him back a little, smiling. "Should we get in the car, at least?"
"Baby, its not like anyones here, they're all at the ocean, and i dont want to let go of you." Drew said, throwing my dress over my head into his convertible.
"Fine, but if anyone comes, we hide."
"You got it!" He smiled again, kissing me harder than before, undoing my bathing suit, then placing his hands on my hips, letting the top of my bathing suit fall to the ground. I ran my fingers down his bare back, pulling on the hem of his shorts, as his hands undid the strings on his shorts, so they fell off as well. "Mm, Drew, i should punish you for being late and not let you do anything.. you know that right?" I said when his lips finally parted from mine.
"You wouldn't do that, you want me just as much as i want you." He said, turning over so he was against the side of the car.
"You know me too well, baby." I smirked, kissing his lips one more time, biting on his bottom lip and pulling it a little before letting it go, then kissing down his chest to his lower stomach, leaving kisses there.
"MM, dont tease" He moaned under his breath, playing with my hair.
So, I got straight to it, not wasting any time. "Jeno, mm, DEEPER. oh, oh, yes, i cant hold back. mm"
I swallowed his man juices, smiling up at him as i stood back up.
He started kissing me again, so hard i thought he was eating my face off. I finally got his hungry lips off mine then looked at him. "Get in me already!" I said, smiling before kissing him again, feeling his hard self enter me.
He was so rough, it was like i hadnt been with him in forever. "Oh, DREW! Mmm, harder. please. OH yes,, like that.." It felt so good, i didnt want it to end. But it did, as i felt his man juices in me again, i moaned once again with him, louder then usual.
"Oh, Drew, i love you. So much."
"I love you too, Jeno. " He said, kissing me softly, pulling himself out.
We dressed up, got in the car, and started driving to the hotel, but obviously, he was still hard. So i helped him out as he drove, and moaned, of course.
Hopefully he keeps his eyes on the road this time.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Jeno's Post 8/8
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Jeno's Post 7/25
So you guys, i'm now pretty much on my own.
Patricia left me for stupid Europe.
Idk if she'll be able to help

Okay, so y'all know how much I love Drew.
I never planned on posting this pic cuz I was scared of people stealing it.
But, in honor of Mandi, HERE YOU GO.
Don't steal it, pleeeeeeeeease :] <3
Patricia left me for stupid Europe.
Idk if she'll be able to help

Okay, so y'all know how much I love Drew.
I never planned on posting this pic cuz I was scared of people stealing it.
But, in honor of Mandi, HERE YOU GO.
Don't steal it, pleeeeeeeeease :] <3
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Patricia's post: 7/22
Okay, I haven't had a crunchwrap in like, 3 months. LOL.
MOVING ON. I'll be in Europe for the rest of summer so I won't be able to update as much until after August (now THAT'S what you call a life :D) jk. I wouldn't want to risk getting caught with naughty VFC photos ;p. (my mom thinks I'm a sweet angel) ahah.
Yeah. Have fun with Jeno :D
MOVING ON. I'll be in Europe for the rest of summer so I won't be able to update as much until after August (now THAT'S what you call a life :D) jk. I wouldn't want to risk getting caught with naughty VFC photos ;p. (my mom thinks I'm a sweet angel) ahah.
Yeah. Have fun with Jeno :D
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Jeno's Post 7/21
Oh goodness, sorry I haven't been on. I've been at my cousins, lol
And of course Patricia's life is SOOO busy that she couldn't have posted anything.
You know, eating crunchwrap supreme's and dreaming about having a life is what Patricia does, and it keeps her busy.
:) ily Patrick.

Jayk, that butt is amazing.
Quote from my cousin: "JAYK'S ASS IS HUGE"
then we argued over who's butt is bigger, Drew's or T.C.'s
[obviously Drews ;D]
BUT, T.C.s butt is cute in this picture, i'll give him that ;D
Well, hope you guys enjoy this picture.
I'll probably put one more this week, just because this one's not as teasing as the others.
And of course Patricia's life is SOOO busy that she couldn't have posted anything.
You know, eating crunchwrap supreme's and dreaming about having a life is what Patricia does, and it keeps her busy.
:) ily Patrick.

Jayk, that butt is amazing.
Quote from my cousin: "JAYK'S ASS IS HUGE"
then we argued over who's butt is bigger, Drew's or T.C.'s
[obviously Drews ;D]
BUT, T.C.s butt is cute in this picture, i'll give him that ;D
Well, hope you guys enjoy this picture.
I'll probably put one more this week, just because this one's not as teasing as the others.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Patricia's post: 7/19
I OBJECT! For your information, I was with my cousin, with no parental guidance whatsoever. AND, I was not "tripping" out over Jake T. Austin. You would've followed him, I swear.
:D speaking the truth.
:D speaking the truth.
Jeno's Post 7/19
Patricia, going to Universal w/ yer granny and tripping out over Jake T Austin doesn't count as a life.
On the other hand, being on the computer all day then getting a call from Drew, then going Drew shopping at the car show on Brand, that's what we call a life. ;D
On the other hand, being on the computer all day then getting a call from Drew, then going Drew shopping at the car show on Brand, that's what we call a life. ;D
Patricia's post: 7/19
Sorry I didn't post anything yesterday. It's because I have an actual life :D
aha, kidding.
aha, kidding.
Jeno's Post 7/19
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Jeno's Post 7/18
Hello Horny VFreaks!
Just so you know: Starting tomorrow, it's going to be 1 post a week.
Every 5 followers we get, there will be an extra picture that week.
Depending on how nice we feel, we'll be putting 1-3 pictures weekly.
We'll put videos, too, if this gets a lot of followers!
Just so you know: Starting tomorrow, it's going to be 1 post a week.
Every 5 followers we get, there will be an extra picture that week.
Depending on how nice we feel, we'll be putting 1-3 pictures weekly.
We'll put videos, too, if this gets a lot of followers!
Jeno's Post 7/18
Patricia's post: Just a little note.
Jeno, you need to hold back on the posts. If it doesn't make you horny, don't post it.
Okaaaay, that sounded weird. I could care less whether it looks kinky, O_O....Yea...bye?
Okaaaay, that sounded weird. I could care less whether it looks kinky, O_O....Yea...bye?
Jeno's Post 7/18
Friday, July 17, 2009
Jeno's Post 7/17
Patricia's post: 7/17
Jeno's Post 7/17

THIS IS JEWELLS GIFT. Bad news tho, I lost the pic I was gonna use. It's not in my trash or in the VFBUTT album :[. I'll search for it in the morning. But thess pics pretty hot. ;)
T.C. and Jayk got something going onn. KIDDING <3 :)
CREDIT: One's from one of the boys twitters, the others from me. :]
Jeno's Post 7/17
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Jeno's Post 7/16
Patricia's post: 7/16
I just can't stay away from updating (;

DAVID'S BUTT :D (I added those yellow lines for emphasis of how amazing it is >_<)

If you touch this boy, just imagine what Jeno will do to you...I would know T_T
CREDIT: Drew's twitter.

Drew's butt.
CREDIT for 2 other pictures: JENO! [jeno here, you steal, you get your head chopped off.)
DAVID'S BUTT :D (I added those yellow lines for emphasis of how amazing it is >_<)

If you touch this boy, just imagine what Jeno will do to you...I would know T_T
CREDIT: Drew's twitter.

Drew's butt.
CREDIT for 2 other pictures: JENO! [jeno here, you steal, you get your head chopped off.)
Jeno's Post 7/16
Jeno's post: 7/16
Patricia's post: 7/16
Jeno, you're wrong. BTW, I know you called me the creepier one, you betch. I'm seriously not that creepy O_o...
This speaks for itself. It's Bobby's turn in the limelight.

and I'm not sure why, but I'm starting to get freaked out by our own site. LMFAO, going through the posts makes me feel uncomfortable >__<
This speaks for itself. It's Bobby's turn in the limelight.

and I'm not sure why, but I'm starting to get freaked out by our own site. LMFAO, going through the posts makes me feel uncomfortable >__<
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Jeno's post: 7/15
I don't know why i'm putting so many, i'm gonna run out of pics. But one more! 
YOU GUYS: I really need Bobby butt pics. I'm pretty sure no one has a body pic of him shirtless, I could have had one, but I chickened out. So if you have any kinky pics of him or butt pics, send em!
If I get 2, i'll put a Drew pic, if I get 3, i'll put Drew and Jayk, 4, I might put one of all of em!

YOU GUYS: I really need Bobby butt pics. I'm pretty sure no one has a body pic of him shirtless, I could have had one, but I chickened out. So if you have any kinky pics of him or butt pics, send em!
If I get 2, i'll put a Drew pic, if I get 3, i'll put Drew and Jayk, 4, I might put one of all of em!
Patricia's post: 7/15
HeyHeyHey[: It's Patricia!
So it's about time you guys get some David pics and as you can see, I'm not holding back ONE BIT. I know I said I wasn't as creepy as Jeno, but I do have my moments where I just spazz out.
Pssh, I'd be crazy to think that none of you would steal the first picture so I had no choice but to add a watermark.

He was lucky I didn't run up to him. I would've eaten him alive.

Apparently David likes showing off his body. That's a good thing for this site, right(; ?
So it's about time you guys get some David pics and as you can see, I'm not holding back ONE BIT. I know I said I wasn't as creepy as Jeno, but I do have my moments where I just spazz out.
Pssh, I'd be crazy to think that none of you would steal the first picture so I had no choice but to add a watermark.
He was lucky I didn't run up to him. I would've eaten him alive.
Apparently David likes showing off his body. That's a good thing for this site, right(; ?
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